I know, I am still terrible at keeping our blog updated. I am going to try to post more often than once a year:) Our weekend at Grams and Paw Paws House
Here are some cute pics from the summer thus far. Cason colored on Cole one day for entertainment. We also welcomed a nephew into the family....Banner Paul Carlson. Cason learned how to ski a few weeks ago and he loves it. He wants to do it over and over and over! He is such a big boy now. Cole is saying new words every week and is getting so much personality. He used to be very laid back, but is seeming to become his own little person now. He is still so sweet and it is amazing how quickly they are both growing up.
Ok, I confess! I am terrible about blogging! So, here are some pics of our most up to-date events. Cason is now 2 and a half and is so busy. He loves to be outside and just being busy! He loves to swim so he is now in swim lessons and is doing great. Cole just turned 1 in May and is such a sweet baby. He is just now getting his top teeth in and is still not in any rush to crawl. Both kids are so opposite! I just know that if Cole could talk that he would be telling Cason to slow down and to lower his voice! Cason talks all the time and he speaks very loudly. Ky and I are constanly laughing because the kids are so funny! I have uploaded a video of Cole eating his Birthday dessert! His Birthday celebration is a funny story. I was not planning on having a party for Cole, but then I thought about the fact that he would not have any pictures in his baby book from his first birthday. I then realized what a terrible mom I would have been if I did not have any pics from his first Birthday, so I got creative. Ky's dad and brother were planning a grand opening celebration for their new boat business on Lake Conroe. I knew that Jackson and Marissa (the kids cousins) would be there, so I told them that we were going to bring a balloon, candle, and dessert and we could sing "Happy Birthday" and take some pictures. So, thats what we did. They had a wonderful tent out on the lawn for the grand opening and they catered BBQ. It was wonderful weather and the kids had fun. Cammi and I got a big laugh at the whole thing. What can I say, at least I was creative and I now have pictures of this 1st birthday.
My Grams & Paw Paw brought me 8 dozen eggs yesterday from her chickens in Nacogdoches! She said there was a special egg in one of the cartons. It is really, really big. It had a double yolk and they were both really large! My mom and I cooked it for breakfast this morning. We took some pictures to document this exciting discovery!
Last night I went to go play with my trains and I discovered a little problemo with my el traino! Mommy said that Marti must have played with the train when she was at our house. Here is a picture of my poor pitiful train! I will tell Marti next time I see her "You know better!" Cason
My Grams and Paw Paw came to see me yesterday. I had so much fun with them! We put on our walking shoes I took them on a tour of the neighborhood twice! We took Marti (their dog), Macy & Millie. I think that I wore them out. PawPaw pulled me in my wagon and we threw balls for the dogs. PawPaw let me train Marti with a pretend duck. What a busy day we had. Here are some pics from our fun day.
The Carlson Family is growing. We have a new baby on the way that is due in early September. Cason and Cole are excited to be big brothers as we all look forward to the surprise...girl or boy?